Positive development for Pakistan on the GSP plus status from EU

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2021-10-21T19:24:19+05:00 News Desk

LAHORE - The highly productive and fruitful visit of Punjab Governor Ch Mohammad Sarwar to the European countries in connection with the GSP+ Status amid two-year review of country’s progress has brought a great sense of positivity for Pakistan in the European community.

Appraising the media on his return to Pakistan on Wednesday, Punjab Governor said, “My visit to Brussels EU Parliament, Hungary’s PM Office and Italy regarding GSP+ Status, Basmati Rice Issue and Afghanistan was very positive as I met over 30 MEPs and government officials who, not only appreciated Pakistan’s efforts for GSP+ and Afghanistan, but also assured me of their full cooperation on all fronts. I also took the opportunity to attend two important Kashmir events in Italy with local community.” He added that Pakistan had made a considerable progress on adhering to the 27 conventions required for the GSP+ Status. The members of the European Parliament, who met Punjab Governor, expressed a great sense of satisfaction on Imran Khan-led Pakistan’s two years progress with regard to the 27 conventions of the European Union on GSP+ Status and appreciated the efforts of the present government to uphold these conventions in true spirit.

Says Pakistan made considerable progress on adhering to 27 conventions required for GSP+ Status

The Punjab governor told the media, “My dream is of a prosperous & peaceful Pakistan, seeing Pakistan standing tall in the comity of nations. It’s a long standing dream. Not a day of my life since I attained adulthood had gone by without searching for ways and means to make this long-standing dream of my life. Wherever I have been, I have carried Pakistan and its people in my heart”, the governor added. The governor maintained that any country, wanting to achieve the goals of productivity and prosperity, must create a society based on basic principles of respect for humanity, upholding of law, gender equality and welfare of its people across the socio-political divide.

In reply to a query, the governor replied, “As Punjab governor, I take a very serious view of crimes against humanity, especially against women, which, unfortunately, has turned into a fast growing epidemic lately. I have taken concrete steps for eradication of crimes against women and upholding the rights of the minorities, the weak and the downtrodden”.

Turning the tables around in Pakistan’s favour by mustering a highly significant support from the members of the European Parliament for appraising the European Parliament on Pakistan’s two years progress with regard to the 27 conventions of the European Union on GSP+ Status and issues of Kashmir, Afghanistan, the protection of minorities & human rights by Prime Minister Imran Khan-led PTI government. Right from the day Governor Punjab landed in Brussels, he started off on his prime objective: gathering support for an extension in Pakistan’s GSP plus Status.

He has been meeting people no less than the Vice President of the European Parliament Dr Fabio Massimo Castaldo, Maximillian Karre (Germany), Karken Nicholas (France) Jordi Sol (Spain), Emanuel Fregos, Bernard Bernard Goetta, Joymer Marno and many other European Parliamentarians. During his visit to Brussels, he had a press conference along with Dr.Fabio-the Vice President of the European Parliament

Governor Punjab told the media that during these high level meetings, he appraised the European Parliamentarians on Pakistan’s efforts in establishing peace and stability in the region with reference to Afghanistan and Pakistan’s positive role in Afghan Peace Process and the Indian atrocities in the Occupied Jammu & Kashmir. The response of the European Parliamentarians was quite heartwarming and they wholeheartedly appreciated Pakistan’s role.

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