Afghanistan summons Pakistan Ambassador in Kabul

Afghanistan summons Pakistan Ambassador in Kabul

KABUL - The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Afghanistan On Wednesday summoned the Ambassador to Afghanistan Zahid Nasrullah Khan for his remarks regarding Pak-India tensions and its impact on Afghan peace process.

According to a statement released by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Afghanistan hails the efforts of all countries to reach to a peace deal in Afghanistan.

The statement further added that good neighborhood, mutual respect, and non-interference in the internal affairs of the others form the foreign policy of Afghanistan.

The statement also added that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Afghanistan considers the remarks of the Pakistani Ambassador regarding the affect of India’s violence against Pakistan in response to Kashmir as irrelevant and against the commitments of Pakistan to peace process in Afghanistan.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs also added that the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan has always wanted deescalation of tensions in the region and negotiated and peaceful settlement of the differences.