South Korea Army unveils plan to destroy North Korea Nuclear, Missiles sites

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2017-10-20T20:50:18+05:00 News Desk

SEOUL - South Korea’s army has revealed plans to destroy North Korea’s nuclear and missile sites and command centers in the event of a military confrontation with Pyongyang.

In its annual parliamentary audit, the army said it will develop a “Frankenmissile” which would inflict “unbearable cost” on the North in the early stages of a possible armed conflict, to Yonhap news agency reported.

The missile would carry a warhead weighing 1,800 kilograms and would be able to reach anywhere in North Korea, the army report claimed.

The army said it started developing such a ballistic missile to establish a “game-changing” operational concept, to minimize civilian casualties, and to end a potential military conflict with the North as soon as possible.

Earlier, US President Donald Trump “agreed in principle” with South Korea’s scrapping limits on its missile payloads.

Under a 2012 agreement with the US, Seoul had been allowed to have ballistic missiles with a range of up to 800 kilometers — enough to reach any target in North Korea — with a payload of no more than 500 kilograms.

The new report comes amid escalation tensions in the Korean Peninsula where massive wargames are underway, involving biggest American aircraft carrier the USS Ronald Reagan, and South Korean forces.

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