World Day of Social Justice being observed today

World Day of Social Justice being observed today

World Day of Social Justice is being observed (February 20) to create awareness on social justice for all and to promote development and human dignity.

This year the theme is: "If You Want Peace & Development, Work for Social Justice".

Social justice is an underlying principle for peaceful and prosperous coexistence within and among nations. The ILO estimates that currently about 2 billion people live in fragile and conflict-affected situations, of whom more than 400 million are aged 15 to 29. (Courtesy:

Punjab Chief Minister Sardar Usman Khan Buzdar has said that Holy Prophet Mohammad (Peace Be Upon Him) has given an immortal message of doing justice with all the humanity.

In his message on the eve of world day of social justice, he said Islam has preached social justice, equality and peaceful coexistence.

He said PTI government fully believes in social justice and ensuring its implementation is an important priority of the government.