Pakistan re-elected in UN top committee

Pakistan re-elected in UN top committee
UNITED NATIONS, April 20 (APP): Pakistan on Wednesday was re-elected to the U.N. Committee for Programme and Coordination (CPC) during an election in the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC), with Ambassador Maleeha Lodhi saying it reflected the country’s prestige in the international community.

Pakistan secured 48 votes from 50 member states present and voting, i.e, 96 percent of the tally. ECOSOC has 54 members.

Excepting the years 1985-87, Pakistan has been a member of the 34-member committee since 1973, and will serve another three-year term– 2018-2020.

“Our re-election to this Committee is an endorsement of Pakistan’s
pro-active role and engagement within the United Nations system,” an elated Ambassador Lodhi said.

The committee functions as a main subsidiary organ of the ECOSOC and the General Assembly for planning, programming and coordination.
The CPC is charged with reviewing UN programmes as defined in the
strategic framewuork; recommending priority programmes; guiding the Secretariat on translating legislation into programmes and making recommendations; developing evaluation procedures; and, assisting ECOSOC in its coordination functions.
It also carries out periodic reviews of the implementation of important
legislative decisions. 

It is directed to cooperate with the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions (ACABQ) and consult with the Joint Inspection Unit (JIU).

“Pakistan’s presence at the committee will help us to contribute to
the effective programme coordination and budget planning of the United Nations,” the Pakistani envoy said.

Pakistan is also serving as Vice President of the ECOSOC representing
Asia Pacific Region. The Council is one of the principal organs of the United Nations and is the central platform for economic and social development, forging consensus and coordinating efforts to achieve internationally agreed development goals. Pakistan will be chairing the integration segment of the Council next week.