PLA-Navy Commander appreciates Pak Navy Maritime Security

PLA-Navy Commander appreciates Pak Navy Maritime Security

KARACHI: (APP) PLA-Navy Commander appreciates Pak Navy Maritime Security


Admiral Wu Shengli, Commander PLA (Navy) of China on an official visit to Pakistan arrived here on Wednesday.


Upon arrival at Pakistan Navy Fleet Headquarters, the dignitary was received by Chief of the Naval Staff Admiral Muhammad Zakaullah, a press release of the PN said here.


A smartly turned out contingent of Pakistan Navy clad in ceremonial dress presented him the Guard of Honour. Admiral Muhammad Zakaullah, then introduced the visiting dignitary to the Principal Staff Officers and Admin Authorities.


Later, Admiral Wu Shengli called on Chief of the Naval Staff and held detailed discussions on professional matters with his counterpart.


A comprehensive brief on operational developments was also given to the visiting dignitary. PLA (N) Commander lauded Pakistan Navy efforts and focused commitments in support of collaborative maritime security in the region.


Admiral Wu Shengli said that Pakistan, as a responsible state, is playing a pivotal role for maritime security and stability in the region, which has greatly helped in shaping a secure environment for freedom of navigation in the region.


Admiral Wu Shengli joined PLA Navy in 1964. Besides commanding the PLA Navy, he has had the privilege to hold a number of Command and Staff appointments including Commander Destroyers Flotilla, Deputy Chief of Staff Shanghai Naval Base, Chief of Staff Fujian Naval Base, Deputy Commander East Sea fleet, Deputy Commander Guangzhou Military Region, Commander South Sea Fleet and Deputy Chief of General Staff PLA (N).


Admiral Wu Shengli has also had training experiences at PLA Topography Academy, Dalian Naval Academy, PLA Naval Command College, National Defence University and National University of Defence Technology.


The visit is expected to greatly enhance the bilateral cooperation between the two Navies.