Good news for frequent air travelers

Good news for frequent air travelers

Abu Dhabi: In the United Arab Emirates, airfares have become more than 50% cheaper, leading to a significant increase in the number of travelers.

Travel agencies in the UAE have reported that during the past months of September, there has been more than a 50% reduction in airfares compared to previous months.

According to Arab media reports, travel agencies have expressed their expectations that the trend of cheap tickets will continue in October. The reduction in ticket prices has resulted in a recorded increase of more than 20% in the number of travelers.

Organizers of travel agencies have noted that during these days, most of the travelers from the UAE are young people and families. People generally prefer to visit nearby and popular destinations.

The director-general of one travel agency stated that travel packages include tickets, hotel accommodations, transportation, and more. According to the report, in the month of September, more than 50% cheaper tickets were issued, and over 20% more people traveled.

Among them, most travelers went for sightseeing in Istanbul, Georgia, Armenia, and other nearby tourist destinations. For Egypt, travel packages ranged from less than 3,500 to 1,900 dirhams. For Istanbul, the price dropped from 5,500 to 3,800 dirhams, and for Georgia, it was reduced from less than 3,500 to 2,500 dirhams.