US Secret Report claims 20 drones and 12 cruise missiles were fired from Iran over Saudi Oilfields

US Secret Report claims 20 drones and 12 cruise missiles were fired from Iran over Saudi Oilfields

ISLAMABAD - US Secret Report has claimed 20 drones and 12 cruise missiles were fired from Iran over Saudi Oilfields.

US intelligence agencies have handed over a secret report to their Saudi counterparts which has implicated Iran directly for the weekend’s attacks on two major Saudi Aramco oil facilities, the Wall Street Journal has reported link, citing unnamed sources said to be familiar with the situation.

According to the report, which has yet to be shared publicly, the strikes were staged from Iran, and involved some 20 drones and at least a dozen missiles.

A Saudi official speaking to WSJ said the report was not conclusive, adding that the US side hadn’t provided sufficient evidence that Tehran was ‘definitely’ behind the attacks.

On Monday, a coalition spokesman announced that Saudi authorities were still looking to figure out “from where” the projectiles used in the strikes were fired, saying the drones used were not launched from Yemen, as claimed by the Houthis. According to the coalition, a preliminary investigation had given them “all indications” to believe that the weapons in both attacks “came from Iran.” link , Sputnik has reported.

Iran has repeatedly denied any involvement in the oil facility attacks, accusing the US of switching from a policy of “maximum pressure” to one of “maximum deceit,” while adding that the Yemeni people have every right to independently defend against the Saudi-led military coalition.