Pakistan government launches strong complaint with British government over malicious report against Pakistan Military

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2019-06-18T19:54:59+05:00 News Desk

ISLAMABAD: Pakistan government launches strong complaint with British government against BBC News over malicious news report against Pakistan Military.

The federal government on Tuesday lodged complaint against BBC with UK government over publishing ‘defamatory and malicious’ news story against Pakistani security forces.

The complaint was filed by Ministry of Information, Broadcasting and National Heritage. It stated that BBC Urdu published a story which “not only presents a fabricated theme but it also violated journalistic ethos”.

“The story also violates BBC’s editorial policy by not incorporating point of view of all stakeholders/ citing credible sources/ quoting authentic evidence etc”, read the complaint.

The complaint demands that “BBC removes this defamatory and malicious story, and issue a clear-cut apology”.

“We also expect BBC authorities to ensure that in the future such fake stories specifically targetting Pakistan will not be disseminated.”

The ministry further added that the government expects “that in line with the Royal Charter, BBC’s own editorial guidelines and office of communication (OFCOM) will look into the content of the mala-fide, incorrect and misleading content of the story and take measures as per the BBC’s editorial guidelines”.

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