Muharram 1444 moon sighting date reveals by PMD

Muharram 1444 moon sighting date reveals by PMD

The most chance for the new moon of Muharram of 1,444 AH is expected to be sighted in the skies on July 29.

In a notice issued on Sunday, the Pakistan Meteorological Department (PMD) said that the new moon of the new Islamic year is expected to be born at crossing conjunction point on July 29 at 10:54pm.

The date was based on astronomical parameters of new moon and average cloud amounts at pilot balloon observatories.

“According to astronomical parameters, there is a *chance* of sighting the new moon of Muharram, 1444 AH on the evening of July 29, 2022, i.e. on 29th of Zilhij, 1443 AH,” the notice read.

According to climate record, the weather is expected to remain partly cloudy, cloudy in most parts of the country on that date.