50 States in America put on High Alert

50 States in America put on High Alert

50 states in America are on High alert for Possible violence and rage by the protesters this weekend, before Joe Biden’s inauguration on Wednesday.

A massive group of National Guard troops been deployed to Washington DC to deter a possible repeating riot that happened last week.

US Federal Bureau of Investigation warned of armed marches by pro-Trump supporters at all the 50 states.

President-elect Joe Biden has plans to reverse key Trump policies, a memo was seen by US media, Biden will launch a blitz of executive actions, to reverse Trump policies.

BBC indicated the US will return to the Paris climate agreement, detach mostly Muslim-majority countries’ travel ban, and Wearing masks to prevent the spread of COVID-19 will become mandatory.

Reports show, much of Washington DC will be locked down before Wednesday’s inauguration, as National Guard troops merge to protect Washington DC.