Human Rights Watch strongly snub Indian government over Occupied Kashmir lockdown

Human Rights Watch strongly snub Indian government over Occupied Kashmir lockdown

ISLAMABAD - The World Rights Body, Human Rights Watch has said that India is failing on Kashmiri human rights. South Asia Director of the Boday, Meenakshi Ganguly in a statement said that occupied Kashmir had been under a lockdown for five months.

She said deplored that Police admitted at least 144 children had been detained, and now the chief of defense staff General Bipin Rawat has spoken of putting children in “deradicalization camps.

The HRW official said,the government is so fearful of criticism and dissent that it curtailed Kashmiris’ ability to share news of births or deaths, call their doctors, order supplies, research term papers, file taxes, and trade apples and walnut and blocked phone lines and access to the internet.

Meenakshi Ganguli said the Indian authorities have sought to justify their rights violations on the grounds of national security.