Pakistan raises voice against Israel in UN Security Council

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2017-01-18T12:20:48+05:00 News Desk

NEW YORK: Pakistan's permanent representative to UN Dr Maleeha Lodhi has raised the support of Pakistan for the Palestine cause at the United Nations Security Council.

Pakistan’s permanent representative to the United Nations Dr Maleeha Lodhi has said that Pakistan welcomes Paris conference on Middle East peace process.

Maleeha Lodhi was speaking during the Security Council debate on Palestine and Middle East in New York on Tuesday.

She said that Palestine is the Holy Land and is the heart of the Arab and Islamic world. What happens there resonates in the region.

Maleeha Lodhi said Pakistan welcomes the recent Paris conference on the Middle East peace process as a step in the right direction. Paris conference was attended by delegations from 70 countries.

She said that Paris conference reaffirmed the two state solution. There must be consequences for those who still defy the force of international consensus.

Maleeha Lodhi further said that the movement of any state s Embassy to Jerusalem will also manifestly violate Security Council resolutions and added that Pakistan welcomes Security Council resolution 2334 which affirmed that expansion of Israeli settlements will eliminate prospects of peaceful solution.

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