14 BLA militants surrender to state in Balochistan

14 BLA militants surrender to state in Balochistan

14 Baloch militants gave up their arms and renounced violence on Saturday, Inter-Services Public Relations (ISPR) said.

The former separatists – belonged to the Balochistan Liberation Army, United Baloch Army and Baloch Republican Army (BRA) – pledged loyalty to Pakistan and announced they are disassociating with their leaders who are believed to be running the groups from abroad.

The ex-militants expressed grief at being used by anti-state elements to tarnish the image of the country and vowed to fight against them.

As many as 43 BRA fighters, while surrendering their arms in October last year, accused Brahamdagh Bugti of “misleading them in the name of freedom.”

Over the past two years, hundreds of fighters from various Baloch militant groups have laid down their arms.