Pakistan Senate seeks compensation from US over drone strike victims

Pakistan Senate seeks compensation from US over drone strike victims

ISLAMABAD - The Senate today adopted a resolution recommending the government to demand payment of compensation from the US Government on account of lives lost and damages done to the lives and properties of innocent citizens of Pakistan as a result of drone attacks inside Pakistan since 2000.

The House also urged the government to send copies of this resolution to the UN General Assembly, NATO, EU, Commonwealth and Asian Parliamentary Assembly in order to highlight impact of drone attacks on the social, economic and psychological conditions of the victims.

In another resolution, the government was urged to lay all international conventions, treaties, covenants, commitments and agreements signed or ratified by the government of Pakistan before both the Houses of the Parliament.

The third resolution recommended that the government should facilitate all those persons who left Pakistan at the time of partition or after that, and settled in other countries, in case they want to visit their motherland for religious or tourism purposes or they want to make investment or engage in some trade and business in the country.

The fourth resolution urged the government to ban sale of carbonated and energy drinks in all educational institutions controlled by the federal government.