Punjab unveils Budget for remaining 8 months of FY2018-19

Punjab unveils Budget for remaining 8 months of FY2018-19

Punjab budget for the remaining eight months of fiscal year 2018-19 with a total outlay of 2026.51 billion rupees was presented in the Punjab Assembly this evening. Finance Minister Hashim Jawan Bakht presented the budget.

In his speech, the Finance Minister said that PTI's first hundred days agenda will lay foundation of a progressive and prosper Punjab. He said that PTI reforms agenda is public friendly.

He said that receipt of Revenue have been estimated 1652 billion rupees whereas an amount of 1276 billion rupees will be received from Federal Divisible Pool.

He said provincial revenue has been estimated at 376 billion rupees while the current expenditure estimate for the ongoing fiscal year is 1264 billion rupees.

He said that an amount of 238 billion rupees has been proposed for Annual Development Programme.

Earlier, the Punjab Cabinet chaired by Punjab Chief Minister Sardar Usman Buzdar granted approval to the budgetary proposals.

The meeting also approved the Financial Bill and Annual Development Programme.

Speaking on the occasion, he said the first Provincial budget of PTI is poor friendly.

The Chief Minister said that special measures have been taken for the progress and prosperity of the southern Punjab.