This is why Salman Khan is so popular across the World?

This is why Salman Khan is so popular across the World?

MUMBAI - India's Kavi Kumar Azad, who essayed the role of *Dr Hansraj Hathi* in the popular show passed away recently due to heart attack. But the actor had a near-to-death experience eight years ago as well. Reportedly, Azad had almost died after collapsing on sets of the show, and was taken to the hospital immediately. Now, a new report says that the actor's hospital treatment and the bariatric surgery that was conducted on him were all paid for by Bollywood actor Salman Khan link.

After the shocking experience and health scare, Azad, at that time had lost more than 100 kgs. According to a *Spotboye *report, Salman paid for the actor’s hospital room and the operation theatre. He also paid for Azad’s medicines.

Salman, according to the report, works closely with the doctor (Dr Muffi Lakdawala), who attended to Azad, and often pays the medical bills of those in need. Due his association with the star, Dr Lakdawala even agreed to waive off his fees for Azad's operation.

The report also suggested that Kavi Kumar had met up with Salman post his operation to thank him for his support. Salman Khan, over the years, has cultivated a humanitarian image for himself, led by his apparel line/charitable venture, Being Human.

Another report on the same portal also claims that the late actor had refused to undergo a second bariatric surgery, despite the advise of his doctor, because his career depended on him not losing weight.

The jovial actor was cremated on Wednesday, with fellow TV actors Shailesh Lodha, Neha Mehta, Mandar Chandwadkar and Jennifer Mistry in attendance.