OIC envoys express solidarity with Kashmiris

OIC envoys express solidarity with Kashmiris

ISLAMABAD: Envoys of several Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) countries have expressed solidarity with the people of Indian Occupied Kashmir.

The solidarity was expressed at a meeting organized by Pakistan's Ambassador Maleeha Lodhi at UN headquarters on Monday.

Briefing OIC Ambassadors on the current state of human rights in Indian occupied Jammu and Kashmir, the Pakistan's envoy said the plight of the long-suffering Kashmiri people has been highlighted in the recent report of UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, Ziad Raad Al-Hussein.

She said it was the first-ever UN human rights report on the grim situation in the occupied territory and covers the period between June 2016 and April 2018.

She said Secretary-General Antonio Guterres has also endorsed the report on 12 July. In his statement, secretary-general has noted that the "action" of the High Commissioner represents the "voice" of the UN on the issue.

Ambassador Lodhi also highlighted key aspects of the report, especially the impunity with which human rights are being violated and the lack of access to justice.

She also referred to the report's mention of special laws in force which obstruct the normal course of law, impede accountability and jeopardize the right to remedy for victims of human rights violations.