BlackFly: US unveils new flying taxi

BlackFly: US unveils new flying taxi

WASHINGTON – The US uncovered the newest member in the genre of the automobile, a flying vehicle, which will not require the license of the pilots for its operation. However, a proper training will be inevitable to ensure the safe commencement of the journey.

The nomenclature of the latest technology is BlackFly that has the capacity to travel up to 40 km or 25 miles at 62 mph.

The producers of this phenomenal technology have revealed that the cost of BlackFly is currently skyrocketing but will gradually drop to become equivalent to an SUV.

Larry Page, who is the co-founder of Google, is funding the project created by Opener. It is an organization that is based in Paulo Alto.

Larry Page is also the backbone of Kitty Hawk, a US company that is on the verge of releasing the personal aircraft.

The tests validating the operation of BlackFly were executed in Canada. The aviation authority of the country has already shown thumbs up for its use.

The significant flying car has a cockpit, suitable for a single person. The cockpit is supported by the 8 propulsion system, which is divided between two wings. BlackFly operates the best if it gets a grassy surface as a base for the takeoff.