UNGA unanimously adopted Pakistani sponsored resolution

UNGA unanimously adopted Pakistani sponsored resolution

The UN General Assembly in New York has unanimously adopted a Pakistan-sponsored resolution titled 'Universal Realization of the Right of the Peoples to Self-Determination'.

Co-sponsored by 72 countries, the resolution unequivocally supported the right of self-determination for all peoples under subjugation, alien domination and foreign occupation including the people of Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir.

This annual affirmation by the General Assembly serves to preserve the legitimacy of the freedom struggle of peoples under colonial and foreign occupation.

The resolution offers hope that destinies will be decided in accordance with the principles of justice enshrined in the UN Charter and resolutions and international law.

The adoption of this Pakistan-sponsored resolution by consensus will provide the people of Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir a hope in their just struggle for self-determination and freedom from Indian oppression and occupation.