Indian Military may plan crossing LoC yet again akin to Feb 2019 false flag ops

Indian Military may plan crossing LoC yet again akin to Feb 2019 false flag ops

Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi's political strategy, which involves accusing Pakistan of supporting terrorism in India to garner electoral support, has once again come into the spotlight. Recent incidents have raised concerns about potential false flag operations aimed at diverting attention and achieving political objectives.

On September 16, reports from Indian media emerged, revealing that a confrontation with "terrorists" in the Uri sector of Baramulla had resulted in the deaths of several Indian Army officers and soldiers. Just days earlier, on September 12, news of a similar alleged operation by Indian forces in Anantnag had surfaced.

Critics have used the term "false flag operation" to describe what they claim is a deliberate effort by India to divert global attention away from ongoing human rights violations in Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK) by falsely accusing Pakistan of supporting terrorism.

It is suggested that in anticipation of upcoming Indian elections, the Modi government may be willing to sacrifice both citizens and military personnel. Some allege that India might be seeking to replicate an incident similar to the Pulwama attack for its own political gains, citing various reports and audio/video evidence from international media outlets that suggest Indian involvement in activities along the Line of Control to further political ambitions.

Sources argue that creating a war hysteria through false encounters and fabricated news has become a recurring pattern for the Modi government. Evidence from Indian media has also been cited to support claims that the government is attempting to terminate the ceasefire agreement on the Line of Control.

As the government faces criticism for its handling of growing unrest in Rajouri and Anantnag, it is suggested that India is attempting to deflect blame onto Pakistan. The recent killing of five Indian soldiers in the Rajouri sector of Occupied Jammu and Kashmir has been viewed as another attempt by Modi to enhance his political image by using the sacrifices of his own soldiers. Critics argue that India's continuous ceasefire violations aim to maintain a state of war on the Line of Control and divert attention from internal problems.

Contrary to government claims, images and videos from residents living near the Line of Control have contradicted the official narrative. According to these residents, there has been no firing or military operations on either side of the Line of Control, and the region remains calm.

Indian analysts are also questioning why Modi would be celebrating if the border situation were genuinely dire and Indian soldiers were losing their lives. Critics suggest that Modi's government has a history of using similar tactics to achieve political goals before elections, including making false terrorism accusations against Pakistan and then taking credit for eliminating supposed terrorists