Massive electoral frauds alleged in Afghanistan presidential elections: Report

Massive electoral frauds alleged in Afghanistan presidential elections: Report

*ISLAMABAD - Massive electoral frauds have been alleged in Afghanistan presidential elections.*

* The Council of Presidential Candidates on Tuesday accused Ashraf Ghani and Chief Executive Officer Abdullah Abdullah for being involved in large-scale electoral fraud, TOLONEWS has reported.*

They said that each of these two candidates declared himself winner of the election while the nation was still awaiting the election commission to separate the valid and invalid votes.

The Council members also said that any attempt to put pressure on the election result before the invalidation of fake votes could push the country into crisis.

“The ruling team is trying to refer the issue of the non-biometric votes to the Supreme Court, and this will be a great act of oppression. This will reduce any trust that the Afghan people have in the legal and judicial institutions,” said Rahmatullah Nabil, a presidential candidate.