Wasim Akhtar nominated for Mayor Karachi slot by MQM

KARACHI: MQM has nominated Wasim Akhtar for the slot of Mayor Karachi while Arshad Vohra is nominated for Deputy Mayor. As per details, the joint meeting of MQM Rabita Committee Karachi and London was held at Nine Zero. The meeting discussed the names for the slots of Mayor and Deputy Mayors Karachi. After the meeting, MQM leader Nadeem Nusrat nominated Wasim Akhtar as candidate of Mayor while Arshad Vohra for Deputy Mayor Karachi. Nadeem Nusrat said that the decision of Mayor Ship was taken by voting. Wasim Akhtar is the senior leader of MQM. He was elected as chairman in recent local body election. Arshad Vohra is also member of Sindh Assembly from MQM while he was elected chairman from UC 49 in Karachi.