Pakistan under fifth generation warfare

Pakistan under fifth generation warfare

ISLAMABAD - Director London Institute of South Asia (LISA) United Kingdom (UK) based Columnist and Intellectual Sami Ullah Malik Tuesday said the prevailing fifth generation war (5GW) has increased the responsibility of journalists to play lead role in curbing the new and highly disastrous warfare mechanism.

Addressing to a seminar titled “Fifth generation warfare through social media and its impact on our society”, he said that the social media outburst had been in the world since past three decades which occurred primarily in the United States of America (USA) which was not detrimental in the beginning but developed over the years into a lethal weapon for fighting against opponent nations and their military forces.

He said that after the invasion of fifth generation warfare despicable tactics include deteriorating national armed forces repute and maligning national institutions for nefarious designs.

“The two nation theory has been eluded from our minds through a conspiracy to destroy the very roots of our national unity. The fifth generation warfare aims at destroying every single identity of national unity mainly the ideology which is the true basis of our creation,” he remarked.

He further said that journalists being writers had equal responsibility like other Pakistanis to verify facts before disseminating information as it had become easy to flare up violence in the society through simple messages, adding “it is our duty to defend our ideology.”

“Khawarij (dissenters within the Islamic Community), so-called liberals and corrupt politicians have a nexus to strengthen 5GW designs against the country and it is the main reason behind the day to day problems being faced by the nation,” he added.

Malik said that swindled and false information should be killed instead of spreading it to others, adding journalists being custodian of right to information had to ensure provision of facts after proper verification as this warfare had indulged every segment of the society which could heart up unprecedented massacre.

“The 5GW also counters Armed forces of a country and conspires to create huge divide among the nation and the forces which needs to be eliminated at any cost. There are number of conspiracies being hatched out against Pakistan where we need to develop strong harmony and unanimity among the forces and the general public to combat new mode of warfare,” he said.

Speaking at the occasion, former Inspector General of National Highway & Motorways Police and Executive Director of National Vocational & Technical Training Commission (NAVTTC) Zulfiqar Cheema said that Pakistan could only succeed against 5GW through national unity among the masses, the armed forces and other national institutions of the country. At present, the country needs unity to foil the reprehensible designs against it through 5GW, he added.

Chief Editor Daily Islamabad Times, Masood Malik while concluding the session said that no nation could stand firm against its enemies without unity in the general factions and national institutions whereas journalists being the most vibrant, well-educated and dynamic member of the society should employ all means to amicably respond 5GW tactics against the country.

He said the armed forces and the nation have interrelated connection which could never be undermined, however national interest and constitutional right to information of the public should be held paramount while reporting information.