AJK PM calls for observing black day on Modi's arrival in Kashmir

AJK PM calls for observing black day on Modi's arrival in Kashmir

MUZAFFARABAD: Azad Jammu & Kashmir (AJK) Prime Minister Raja Farooq Haider Khan has called upon the people of Indian occupied Kashmir (IoK) to observed black day on Indian Prime Minister Narendera Modi's arrival in the valley who he said was a killer of the people in Kashmir.

"Modi's government has killed hundreds of youth, injured and blinded thousands under a well planned strategy to genocide the Muslims and is involved in grass human rights abuses," said AJK Prime Minister while speaking at a meeting convened to finalize the arrangements for observing Kashmir solidarity day on February 5 here at his office.

The Meeting decided to observe the solidarity day with full zeal and enthusiasm in the pretext of ongoing Indian atrocities in IoK.
It was also decided to specially invite the Chief Minister of Gilgit Baltistan (GB) in the Kashmir solidarity day functions.

The meeting chaired by Prime Minister was attended by the Ministers of cabinet, secretaries and heads of all the departments decided to made all arrangements for observing the solidarity of large scale to demonstrate the enthusiasm and commitment of the government and people of AJK with the ongoing liberation struggle in IoK.

The Prime Minister directed the concern officers in the meeting to redesign the Upper Adda Chouk in Muzaffarabad city resembling Lal Chouk of Srinagar as a symbolic gesture for expressing solidarity and love with the occupied territory while he sought the report from central design office regarding construction of a memorial at Chatter Chouk in remembrance martyrs of Kashmir.

The meeting decided to organize the gatherings to make human chains at all the entry points to AJK from Pakistan to express solidarity with the people of IOK besides holding rallies and other activities in all the towns of Azad Kashmir.
Secretary information Ms. Midhat Shehzad was assign the duty as focal person for the arrangements of all functions and activities on the day while Kashmir Liberation cell was rename as Jammu Kashmir liberation cell and was assigned the task to high light Indian atrocities in Kashmir through social media and other activities to unveil the Indian face before the world.

It also decided to launch a special campaign to aware the new generation about United Nation's resolution and historical perspective of Kashmir issue and to approach Pakistan electronic Media regulatory authority (PEMRA) for ensuring special coverage of the activity on the day particularly high lighting Indian atrocities in Kashmir.