Despite COVID-19 the country’s economic indicators are improving: PM August 15, 2020

Despite COVID-19 the country’s economic indicators are improving: PM August 15, 2020

ISLAMABAD- Prime Minister Imran Khan says despite COVID-19 pandemic, the country’s economic indicators are improving to herald and paving way for an industrial Pakistan.

In his message to nation on 74th Independence Day, the prime minister said no country maintained a balance between lives and livelihood as was done by Pakistan.

He said initially, the government feared of deaths due to both the coronavirus and hunger caused by the lockdown.

However, consequent to the government’s decision of smart lockdown, the coronavirus cases are on decline and the economy is on revival.

Imran Khan said the war against coronavirus is not yet over. The challenges still persists. The Prime Minister advised people to keep adhering to precautions of social distancing to avert the resurgence of the virus.

He said the uplift of the construction sector would benefit allied 40 industries to create jobs and wealth. He said consequently it will enhance the government’s tax collection.

Imran Khan said the government has finally reached an agreement with the power producers to generate power at reduced cost and the benefit would be trickled to the industry and people.