Pakistan and Afghan Taliban have strong links, senior US official make stunning claims

Pakistan and Afghan Taliban have strong links, senior US official make stunning claims

Thomas West, the United States Special Representative for Afghanistan, has expressed concerns about the growing threat posed by the Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) to Pakistan's territorial integrity. Addressing a gathering at a prominent think tank in Washington, West highlighted a troubling surge in terrorist attacks within Pakistan, attributing these acts to the TTP. He emphasized that this escalating trend could potentially endanger Pakistan's sovereignty.

Furthermore, West shed light on the historical ties between the TTP and the Afghan Taliban, dating back to NATO's involvement in Afghanistan. During this period, these militant groups formed a strategic alliance, and West emphasized that these connections continue to run deep.

This alliance has significant implications not only for Afghanistan but also for neighboring Pakistan, as it underscores the transnational nature of the extremist threat in the region.

Since assuming his role as the US representative for Afghanistan in 2021, succeeding Zalmay Khalilzad, West has been closely monitoring the evolving situation in the aftermath of the fall of Kabul. His assessment highlights the ongoing challenges faced by both Afghanistan and Pakistan in addressing the complex security dynamics in the region, with the TTP's resurgence posing a significant concern to Pakistan's stability and sovereignty