Afghanistan responds to Pakistan China offer for joining CPEC

Afghanistan responds to Pakistan China offer for joining CPEC

ISLAMABAD - Chinese ambassador to Pakistan Yao Jing has reiterated that the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) project is not against any one country but will serve as a key to enhancing peace and cooperation in the region.

He made these remarks while delivering a keynote address at the Fourth Trilateral Dialogue hosted by the Pakistan-China Institute in Islamabad on Monday. The conference hosted Pakistan, China and Afghanistan under the theme of economic, cultural connectivity in the light of CPEC.

“CPEC will prove to be a major breakthrough in trade and communication between the three regional countries,” said Yao, adding that China – along with Pakistan and Afghanistan – was striving for regional peace.

The conference was also attended by Ambassador of Afghanistan to Pakistan Omar Zakhilwal who discussed the lack of understanding in terms of development, saying that major bilateral and multilateral relations between the countries are based on security rather than economic development.

“Being an economist by profession, I believe there must be a line drawn between economics and politics in order for all partners to integrate in regional connectivity,” he said, assuring, “Afghanistan supports CPEC and its expansion into Afghanistan as it will further develop the country internally as well as strengthen global relations.”