Why PM Children have changed the lawyer in the Supreme Court? 

Why PM Children have changed the lawyer in the Supreme Court? 

ISLAMABAD: In a surprise move the family of PM Nawaz Sharif has changed their lawyer in the supreme court of Pakistan appearing in the Panama Papers case.

Children of Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif Monday submitted a request to Supreme Court of Pakistan to change their lawyer a day before it hears landmark Panamagate case.

PM Sharif’s children—Maryam, Hassan and Hussain Nawaz—acquired services of senior advocate Akram Sheikh to replace Salman Aslam Butt in Panama Leaks case.

On November 3, PM Sharif submitted before the Supreme Court that he does not own any offshore companies.

The experts have revealed that it is a delaying tactics in order to gain more time from the court as the new lawyer would require more time for case preparation to present the case in the Supreme Court.