Israeli comedian mocks UAE for backstabbing Palestinians for normalising ties with Israel

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2022-02-14T17:59:36+05:00 News Desk

A famous Israeli comedian has released an Arabic and Hebrew song which mocks the UAE for backstabbing the Palestinians and normalizing ties with Israel. The song has gone viral and is causing a lot of stir in the Arab world.

According to details, Noam Shuster-Eliassi is the singer behind the song titled “Dubai, Dubai.” The song has been released as part of a comedy sketch of the “El Shusmo” program televised on the “Makan” channel.

Here are the lyrics of the song.

There is light at the end of the tunnel. If only all of the Arabs are like Dubai, Dubai, Dubai, Dubai, Dubai. They want to live in Israel. They won’t throw us to the water. Dubai, Dubai, Dubai, Dubai, Dubai.

There’s nothing better than Arabs that have millions, who forgot about the people who went through Nakba. They forgot about Palestine. They said we wish that Israel stays from sea to sea. Dubai, Dubai.

Dubai, Dubai. We still haven’t lost hope. Dubai, Dubai. Burning the consciousness of Arabs and like Dubai. They forget that we blockaded Gaza. How great it would have been if all Arabs were like Dubai. I’ll imprison you in checkpoints and then take a selfie in the towers. Dubai, Dubai, Dubai, Dubai, Dubai.

Let’s look at the video.

Note here that in August 2020, the UAE became the third Arab country to officially recognize Israel. Egypt and Jordan were the first two Arab countries that recognized Israel while Bahrain became the fourth after the UAE.

The UAE and Israel also inked ‘Abraham Accords’ brokered by the former US President Donald Trump, leading to the formal establishment of diplomatic relations between the two countries.

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