US Presidential candidate Joe Biden seek Pakistani Air Force Bases for American Military

US Presidential candidate Joe Biden seek Pakistani Air Force Bases for American Military

ISLAMABAD - United States Presidential candidate Joe Biden seek Pakistani Air Force Bases for American Military strike in Afghanistan.

Presidential candidate Joe Biden while talking of future United States strategy in the war-torn Afghanistan could depend on bases in Pakistan.

"We can prevent the United States from being the victim of terror coming out of Afghanistan by providing airbases and insisting the Pakistani provide bases for us,” said Biden, according to the New York Post.

The statement appears to be in ignorance of the American military's difficult relationship with Pakistan. In 2011, 24 Pakistani soldiers were killed when a NATO team from Afghanistan attacked a border base. Both the Afghan and American government claimed that the attack was in response to Afghan border forces receiving fire from the Pakistani side, but the American government apologized for the actions in 2012.

Pakistan's sustained relationship with the Haqqani network, an organisation designated as a "terrorist group" by the US, also has been a source of severe strain in US-Pakistan relations.

Biden also clashed with top rivals on the issue of health care in America and brushed off attacks from his challengers.