Iran to remain committed to nuclear deal

Iran to remain committed to nuclear deal

Iranian President Hassan Rouhani says Tehran will remain committed to the nuclear deal with World powers as long as the other side respects it.

Addressing a huge gathering in Tehran in connection with the 39th anniversary of the Islamic revolution in the country, he said the United States could not succeed in destroying the nuclear deal on several occasions.

Rouhani also accused the United States and Israel of hatching plots over the last one year to create divisions among regional states. However he said these plots were defeated.

In Iran, nationwide rallies were held to celebrate the 39th anniversary of the victory of the Islamic revolution in the country.

People in large number swarmed to the streets in various cities carrying flags and banners in support of the establishment leaders and chanted anti-U.S., and anti-Israeli slogans.

The rallies in the capital Tehran turned into a demonstration against the recent U.S. sanctions and pressures on Iran over its ballistic missile program.( Xinhua)