Interior Minister announced cash rewards scheme for informers

Interior Minister announced cash rewards scheme for informers

Caretaker Interior Minister Sarfaraz Ahmed Bugti has unveiled an ambitious strategy aimed at combatting hoarding and smuggling activities, pledging an unwavering commitment to eradicating these detrimental practices. In a press conference held on Sunday, Bugti emphasized the resolute determination of both state institutions and provincial authorities to confront the menace of smuggling and hoarding head-on.

During the press conference, the Minister made a significant announcement regarding cash rewards for Pakistani citizens who contribute to the identification and exposure of smuggling networks.

Furthermore, he hinted at forthcoming incentives for individuals who aid in the detection and apprehension of illegal immigrants within the nation. This proactive approach underscores the government's intention to involve the public in its efforts to root out these illicit activities.

Bugti revealed that ongoing operations targeting the smuggling of vital commodities, including wheat, sugar, urea, and foreign currency, have yielded substantial successes in various regions of the country. Notably, the Minister disclosed that 59 individuals involved in the illegal 'hawala hundi' business have been apprehended, reinforcing the government's unwavering commitment to sparing no one in its quest to curtail smuggling and hoarding.

Furthermore, Bugti outlined plans to establish a toll-free hotline at both the Federal Investigation Agency (FIA) and the Interior Ministry, welcoming citizens willing to assist the government in its endeavors.

He unequivocally declared the implementation of a "zero-tolerance" policy against all hoarders and smugglers, emphasizing that those responsible would face imprisonment, prosecution, and legal consequences. This comprehensive strategy sends a clear message that the government is determined to restore integrity and transparency in its economic landscape.