Yet another inflation shock for consumers, Electricity price hike approved by ECC

Yet another inflation shock for consumers, Electricity price hike approved by ECC

The Economic Coordination Committee (ECC) has approved a Uniform Quarterly Tariff Adjustment for K-Electric consumers, resulting in an increase of Rs1.72 per unit, as per ARY News.

The decision entails applying the tariff rationalization guidelines issued to the National Electric Power Regulatory Authority (NEPRA) to the consumption of July, August, and September 2023. The increased tariff will be recovered from K-Electric consumers in December 2023, January 2024, and February 2024, respectively.

This move aims to maintain uniform electricity tariffs across the country, with a specific hike of Rs1.72 per unit for K-Electric consumers. Furthermore, sources indicate a quarterly adjustment increase of Rs1.25 per unit from January to March 2023 and Rs0.47 per unit from October to December 2023.