President urges OIC to play proactive role in resolving Kashmir dispute

President urges OIC to play proactive role in resolving Kashmir dispute

ISLAMABAD (APP): President Mamnoon Hussain Tuesday urged the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) to play a proactive role as a single bond in resolving the two oldest disputes of the world including Palestine and Jammu and Kashmir.

Talking to Secretary General OIC Dr Yousef Ahmad Al- Othaimeen who along with a delegation called on him at the Aiwan-e-Sadr, he told that both issues were very close to their hearts which demanded persistent attention, a press release said.

Welcoming Dr Yousef Ahmad Al-Othaimeen on his first visit to Pakistan, the president appreciated OIC and brotherly Muslim countries for expressing solidarity with the people of Jammu and Kashmir for the realization of their right to self- determination.

He commended the recent step taken by the OIC in asking the government of India to facilitate the visit of its special representative on Jammu and Kashmir to the Indian occupied Kashmir.

He said the visit of delegation of the Independent Permanent Human Rights Commission of OIC to Azad Jammu and Kashmir and the Line of Control last month was important and hoped that its report would carry great deal of credibility and respect.

He urged the secretary general to circulate the report to all member states, important capitals of the world and to relevant international forums to highlight the sufferings of the Kashmiri people and the issue of continuous denial of their right of self-determination.

The president said terrorism is a global threat but unfortunately it is affecting Muslims more than anyone else.

He underscored the need that platform of OIC must be used to build a narrative against extremism and terrorism, adding that a narrative coming from the OIC would have high credibility and acceptability with the Ummah.

The president expressed concern at the disturbing rise in the incidents of racial and religious hatred,discrimination, and violence against Muslims and especially against Muslim minorities and asked the secretary general to consider organizing a high level international event to draw attention of the international community to this end.

He emphasized that promotion of science and technology was critical for the progress and prosperity of the Muslim Ummah.

Pakistan was committed to further enhancing cooperation among the OIC member states in this field.

He said Pakistan would extend all possible assistance for hosting the First OIC Summit on science and technology in September 2017 in Astana, Kazakhstan.

He said Pakistan would continue to be a staunch supporter of the goals and objectives of the OIC and would remain an active participant in its work to promote and protect the interest of the Ummah.

He also congratulated Dr Yousef Ahmad Al-Othaimeen on assuming the office of OIC secretary general and expressed his confidence that with his rich experience and vast knowledge, he would provide excellent stewardship to the organization.

Dr Yousef Ahmad Al-Othaimeen said the agenda of Kashmir issue was at the forefront of OIC and expressed grave concern on the ongoing gross human rights violations and inhuman treatment meted out to the innocent people of Kashmir by the Indian security forces.

He assured that the OIC would continue to play its due role for just resolution of Kashmir and Palestine disputes in accordance with aspirations of their people.

He said Pakistan is an important and leading member of Muslim world and appreciated its efforts to eradicate the scourge of terrorism.

He reiterated his resolve that he would work towards further strengthening the bond of Muslim Ummah to collectively face and address all the challenges being faced by the Muslims around the world.