US sabotaged Afghan peace process with drone strike

US sabotaged Afghan peace process with drone strike

ISLAMABAD: Expressing his concerns over the recent drone attack in Baluchistan, Foreign Secretary Aizaz Ch. said that the process of dialogues with Taliban was started on the directives of USA but whenever United States wants Afghan peace process to be sabotaged it carries on drone strike.

As per details, National Assembly Standing Committee for Defense in camera meeting was held here in Parliament House under the chairmanship of Sheikh Ruhail Asghar and Owais Laghari.

Aizaz Ch. said in his briefing that over 1 lakh 30 thousands Army soldiers of America and its alliance countries could not achieve any remarkable success in Afghanistan but Pakistan is expected to show results within three days.

Talking about the migrants, he pointed out that more than 3 million Afghan migrants are living in Pakistan while Afghan migrants camps are being used for recruitment by Taliban. Several terrorists shelter in Afghan camps so migrants issue has become a serious security issue.

Pakistan did not respond over disgusting statements of Afghan leadership however a message has been sent to avoid such kind of statements.

Defense Secretary said in his briefing that Indian arrested Spy Kulboshan Yadav was operating a network in Karachi and Baluchistan and evidences are being prepared over the confessional statements of Yadav.

Committee members expressed their dissatisfaction over the briefing saying that just newspaper information is being presented before committee while India is creating instability in Pakistan so committee should be informed about our strategy.