Everyday 40 million dollars are being smuggled out of Pakistan?

Everyday 40 million dollars are being smuggled out of Pakistan?

Chief Justice of Pakistan Umar Ata Bandial has remarked that every day 40 million dollars are being smuggled out of Pakistan asking the government to take measures to stop dollars’ flight to other countries.

The CJP expressed these remarks on Friday while hearing a case pertaining to the super tax.

During the hearing, the Supreme Court ordered to bind all petitions challenging the super tax together and fix them for hearing next week.

A three-judge bench of the Supreme Court headed by Chief Justice of Pakistan Umar Ata Bandial heard the case.

At the outset of the hearing, the FBR lawyer told the court that the final decision of the Lahore High Court was announced.

FBR lawyer Faisal Siddique said that the LHC had suspended the implementation of the order till the final decision on the case. He said that the apex court often asked the companies to submit 50% of the payment in tax cases.

However, the companies lawyer Ferogh Naseem contended that after the release of the final decision of the high court in the case, the FBR petitions had become ineffective. The court could not order for the imposition of 50% super tax after the petitions were rendered ineffective, he maintained.

CJP Bandial suggested to fix the hearing of the case next week remarking that the FBR came to the court in the super tax matter with good intention. He said that the court knew that the Shell already paid millions in taxes.