A diplomatic success for Pakistan at the United Nations General Assembly

A diplomatic success for Pakistan at the United Nations General Assembly

UNITED NATIONS - The United Nations General Assembly has stamped its approval on Pakistan’s four resolutions aimed at strengthening regional and international peace and security.

The resolutions were recommended by the 193-member Assembly’s Disarmament Committee where the texts were adopted by overwhelming support of its membership.

Of these, three resolutions dealt with regional disarmament, conventional arms control at regional and sub-regional levels as well as Confidence Building Measures (CBMs) in the regional and sub-regional context.

The fourth Pakistani resolution sought security assurances for non-nuclear states.

Entitled, “Conclusion of effective international arrangements to assure non-nuclear-weapon states against the use or threat of use of nuclear weapons”, the resolution was adopted by a vote of 125 in favour to none against, with 62 abstentions.

The resolution, entitled “Conventional arms control at the regional and subregional levels”, was adopted by a vote of 183 in favour, with only India casting a negative vote. Four countries were abstained.

The resolutions on “Regional Disarmament” and “Confidence-building measures in the regional and subregional context” were adopted by consensus.

Diplomats said the approval of the resolutions by the General Assembly was as an acknowledgement of Pakistan’s commitment to promote the objectives of regional and global disarmament as well as strengthening international peace and security.

At a time of growing mistrust and rising tensions in various regions of the world, especially in South Asia,