Pakistan hints at changing it's foreign policy

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2017-08-10T18:14:01+05:00 News Desk

ISLAMABAD: Pakistan hints to review its foreign policy in the perspective of its current inter-state relations to meet the challenges and avail the opportunities at diplomatic fronts.

Foreign Office spokesperson, Nafees Zakaria during the weekly press briefing here Thursday said new Foreign Minister, Khawaja Muhammad Asif after assuming charge of the office, met senior officials of the Ministry during which the foreign policy objectives were reviewed and he also shared his vision of meeting the challenges and availing the opportunities in the realm of inter-state relations.

Spokesperson said that this week 15 Kashmiris had been martyred, mostly youth by the atrocities of Indian armed forces against defenseless Kashmir in Indian occupied Jammu and Kashmir.

“Last week the count was 8, the statistics of Kashmiris’ sufferings on various counts, as a result of Indian barbarities and impunity with which Indian forces are committing the crimes against humanity, challenge the credibility of International community’s commitment to human rights, particularly the so-called protectors and defenders of human rights.”

“We will not be incorrect if we term these killings of defenseless Kashmiri youth, women, children and old age, by Indian forces as `genocide’, he added.

He said that Indian policy of killing innocent Kashmiris was part of a strategy, to break the spirit of Kashmiris, alter the demography in Jammu & Kashmir and to convert it into a Muslim minority from an overwhelming Muslim majority state.

Nafees Zakaria said besides killing Kashmiris in scores, the other measures that India had taken were settling non-Kashmiris, accommodating Indian forces personnel, who had been committing crimes against humanity and exclusive colonies for political manipulation.

These measures by India that were being used in Indian occupied Jammu & Kashmir were a violation of UNSC Resolution, UN Charter and all the UN instruments on human rights and fundamental rights, he added.

Replying to a question, he said the government of Pakistan fully supported the rehabilitation process in Afghanistan as it strongly believed Afghan rehabilitation impacts regional peace and stability.

He rejected the accusations and campaign of Afghan media against Pakistan.

Replying to a question regarding US’s policy review on this region he said it was too early to comment on that, however, Pakistan believed that sacrifices rendered by Pakistan people in war against terror needed no certification.

He informed that National Assembly Speaker of Republic of Korea, Chung Sye-Kyun paid a fruitful visit this week and, he held meeting with the Foreign Minister and expressed keen interest in Korean investments in Pakistan and deepening economic cooperation.

Spokesperson condemned the bomb blast in Dir that claimed precious lives and paid tributes to Shuhdah.

He also congratulated the young sportspeople, who won altogether 25 gold, silver and bronze medals in 4th South Asian Karate Championship in Sri Lanka. – APP

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