PTI core Committee meeting takes several important decisions including mass protests campaign

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2022-04-10T15:48:52+05:00 News Desk

Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) Chairman Imran Khan link on Sunday chaired the party’s Core Committee link link at Bangala where the leadership decided to proactively perform the opposition’s role in the post-no-confidence motion political scenario and launch countrywide mass-contact campaign.

The PTI link core committee link also finalized its strategy as the opposition party.

The members of the core committee link the chair of PTI link supremo and former prime minister Imran Khan link the public-contact campaign that is being launched today by the PTI link announced earlier by Imran Khan link.

Imran Khan link called on the public, especially youth, to come out for peaceful protest against the international conspiracy to oust him from power.

The party has decided to hold a large-scale public gathering in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa capital Peshawar on Tuesday to kick off the party’s mass-contact campaign.

The core committee link has decided to speedily complete the administrative appointments in the party.

The members agreed and decided to activate the parliamentary board of PTI link distribute the party tickets for the next general elections.

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