Huawei Mate 60 Pro Plus: China's state of the art smart phone works without mobile network

Huawei Mate 60 Pro Plus: China's state of the art smart phone works without mobile network

Chinese smart company 'Huawei' has introduced the first smartphone to operate on satellite networks, despite restrictions and challenges in the United States and other countries.

'Huawei' has not only presented 'Mate 60 Pro Plus' with 5G support but also claims that this mentioned phone will work on satellite networks, meaning it won't require regular mobile networks.

However, the company has not clarified in which countries and regions 'Huawei: Mate 60 Pro Plus' can operate on satellite networks.

According to the company, this phone will run on the 'Tiantong' satellite mobile network introduced by China in 2016.

This will be the company's first phone that can operate on satellite networks, but it will also work on regular mobile networks, and the company claims it uses technology to improve download speeds