Mazari apprise High Commissioner in IOK July 09, 2020

Mazari apprise High Commissioner in IOK July 09, 2020

ISLAMABAD-Human Rights Minister Dr Shireen Mazari has written a letter to the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights  Michelle Bachelet to draw her attention  on  serious human rights violations in the Indian occupied Kashmir (IOK).
   According to the  Press Release  issued by Ministry of Human Rights  here on Thursday ,She mentioned in her letter that "I am writing to your office today out of grave concern over the illegal annexation of Indian Occupied  Jammu and Kashmir by the Republic of India on 5th August 2019.Your personal commitment to protecting and promoting human rights  has been consistent and unwavering due to which I appeal to your respected office to bring to a halt the forcible transfer of civilian populations to and from Indian Occupied  Jammu and Kashmir (IoK)".
She  highlighted that OHCHR has issued two reports on Kashmir: The first report in June 2018 and the Second Report in July 2019.In both reports your office has rightly raised the concern over the excessive use of force by Indian security forces in Indian Occupied Jammu and Kashmir. This excessive use of force by India is its standard modus operandi, as recently released picture from Indian Occupied Jammu and Kashmir, where a three-year-old child sits on his grandfather’s blood covered dead body in Sopore.
She  in her letter that unfortunately, in the absence of intervention by international community, India seems to have gained the strength to violate international human rights law and international humanitarian law, with no concern as to consequence for these serious violations. She further mentioned that India has granted around 25000 Indian citizen s domicile certificates in Indian Occupied Jammu and Kashmir, in a blatant violation of fourth Geneva Convention, Article 49 of which clearly provides; The Occupying Power shall not deport or transfer parts of its own civilian population into the territory it occupies.
She also mentioned that India’s repeated attempts to deny the Kashmiri people their rights of self-determination are in breach of international law. In an attempt to evade a free and fair plebiscite that respects the wishes of the Kashmiri people., as required under several UN Security Council resolutions, India has been attempting since 5August 2019, to alter the demography of the occupied territory. She also highlighted that demographic alterations in an occupied territory have been definitively categorized as a violation of the obligation to respect the right to self-determination, as highlighted by the International Court of Justice in Paragraph 122 of its Advisory Opinion on the Legal Consequences of the Constitution of a Wall in the Occupied Palestine Territory.
In this regard to High Commissioner an urgent intervention with respect to bringing to an end these breaches of fundamental human rights norms. If we do not act together now, we may risk further destabilization and bloodshed in the region, which would affect millions on both sides of the Line of Control, the Pakistan-India border and in the region at large, she added.