Not acceptable that Washington ignores Islamabad’s security concerns, Pak tells US

Not acceptable that Washington ignores Islamabad’s security concerns, Pak tells US

WASHINGTON: Interior Minister, Ahsan Iqbal has said that Pakistan wants to extend an alliance with US based on mutual respect.

This he said while addressing to a press conference early Friday morning. Ahsan added that saying Pakistan hopes for a respectful relationship with United States and adding that Pakistan didn’t need dollars or aids we want relationship based on mutual interest and respect.

He added that it is not acceptable to Pakistan that US only thinking about their own security and ignoring the Islamabad’s concerns.

Despite the several sacrifices in the fight against terrorism and still we are blamed and trying to ignored, we only want recognition of Pakistan efforts in war on terror, minister added.

Interior minister added that Pakistan and Afghanistan are closely linked to each other and will continue to be and adding that Islamabad and Washington, therefore, can together play a pivotal role in Afghanistan and the related peace process.

He stressed on the need to strengthen the Pak-US relationship for the sustainable peace in Afghanistan and it will also ensure the security of the region.