`REPORTING CONFLICT' capacity building workshop on Kashmir

`REPORTING CONFLICT' capacity building workshop on Kashmir

MIRPUR (AJK) (APP): Seasoned AJK journalists, affiliation with national and AJK state print and electronic media based in Mirpur division held a day-long capacity building workshop here late Sunday.

It resolved to lend all of their professional skills and resources to highlight ongoing uprising in Indian-occupied Kashmir followed by fresh wave of Indian state terrorism unleashed against the innocent freedom-loving civilians in the troubled held valley.

The Workshop titled "Reporting Conflict" was hosted by Kashmir Institute of International Relations (KIIR) - a Kashmiri NGO, to perpetuate and enhance the professional skills of the AJK journalists for ensuring their due role in raising the Kashmir question coupled with prime focus to apprise the external world of ongoing massacre of freedom-monger people in occupied Kashmir by the Indian occupational forces.

It was also aimed at to impart professional training to the AJK journalists for projecting the Kashmir conflict to the global horizon in more effective manner particularly the ongoing ugly situation caused by the continued killing of innocent Kashmiris by the Indian occupational forces in the wake of the renewed uprising in Indian occupied Kashmir against the forced and unlawful Indian rule.

It may be added that over a million Kashmiri Diaspora belonging to Mirpur division's Mirpur, Kotli and Bhimbher districts is settled in Britain and other European countries.

Speaking on this occasion, Executive Director Kashmir Institute of International Relations Sardar Amjad Yousaf, President Kashmir Press Club Mirpur Hafiz Muhammad Maqsood, ex President Central Union of Journalists AJK Muhammad Ramzan Chughtai and seasoned Kashmiri analyst and Program Coordinator A.H. Rao and others suggested the more vibrant role of the media men based in AJK for apprising the external world of the increased Indian atrocities in occupied Kashmir where at least 200 innocent Kashmiris have been killed and over two thousand grievously injured by the Indian forces during last one month in the wake of the renewed wave of state terrorism in the occupied valley, where Kashmiris were fighting against the forced Indian rule.

Participants of the workshop, largely-attended by the seasoned working journalists, emphasized for the exchange of bilateral linkage between the media houses and organizations of occupied Kashmir and AJK to exchange the professional know how and the news reports about the events of the daily life at either side of the LoC. They also emphasized for encouraging the intra-Kashmir journalists linkage and cooperation for exchange of professional know-how and coverage of the daily events.

Speakers said that it was enjoined upon the journalists at the base camp of the Kashmir freedom struggle to lend of their professional skills and energies to highlight the importance of early peaceful settlement of Kashmir issue in line with the international norms and commitments - without further loss of time.

"AJK based media-men can more better perform to invite the attention of the external world for their due role to get stopped the fresh reign of Indian state terrorism in occupied Kashmir", speakers underlined. They added, that since Kashmir was the key to emergence of everlasting peace in South Asia, India will have to move to the settlement of this lingering issue under the spirit of the United Nations resolutions through resuming a result-oriented dialogue with Pakistan with further loss of time.