Exciting news for the cricket fans over Pakistan India World Cup match in India

Exciting news for the cricket fans over Pakistan India World Cup match in India

"In the World Cup, a decision has been made to release 14,000 tickets for the Pakistan-India match. According to Indian media, the ticket sales for the Pakistan-India match will begin on October 8th at 12 PM.

Remember that Pakistan and India will face each other on October 14th at the Narendra Modi Stadium in Ahmedabad.

On the other hand, Indian police have received an email from terrorists threatening to bomb the stadium, targeting Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Narendra Modi Stadium in Ahmedabad. According to Indian media, the email demands a payment of 500 crores rupees and the release of gangster Ravi Pashanoy in exchange for not carrying out the attack. The email also claims that individuals have been appointed for the attack on the stadium.

The terrorist group stated in the email that everything is for sale in India, and they have also made purchases. No matter how much security you increase, you cannot escape us.

In this regard, Indian police say they have received the email from a terrorist group, and it has been forwarded to the National Investigation Agency (NIA), including all security agencies in Ahmedabad and other places."