US Military to be designated as terrorists organisation, warns Iranian IRGC Commander

US Military to be designated as terrorists organisation, warns Iranian IRGC Commander

TEHRAN– The Islamic Revolution Guard Corps (IRGC) on Sunday warned Washington about the consequences of the US decision to label this Iranian force a terrorist group.

If Americans adopt such an unwise decision and undermine Iran's national security, the IRGC will implement reciprocal measures based on the Islamic Republic establishment policies, Major General Mohammad Ali Jafari said.

He noted that if the US labels IRGC a terrorist group, the American forces deployed in the West Asia region will not enjoy the tranquility that they are experiencing today.

On Friday, the Wall Street Journal reported such a move against IRGC by Washington could come as early as Monday.

Responding to the report, a vast majority of lawmakers in Iran’s parliament issued a statement threatening to designate elements of the US military a terror group.