Is Imran Khan the most suitable Pakistani leader to recognize Israel?

Is Imran Khan the most suitable Pakistani leader to recognize Israel?

The Times of Israel blog has identified Imran Khan, the founder and chairman of Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI), as the most suitable leader to normalize diplomatic relations between Pakistan and Israel. The blog pointed to Khan's approach to foreign policy during his tenure as Prime Minister, noting his ties to influential pro-Israel figures, including members of his former in-laws, the Goldsmith family.

The blog emphasized that Imran Khan's connection to his ex-wife, Jemima Goldsmith, and her family, particularly his brother-in-law, Zac Goldsmith, played a crucial role in shaping his perspective on Israel. Zac Goldsmith, who is well-known in pro-Israel and Jewish circles, is believed to have had a significant influence on Khan's views regarding the possibility of Pakistan reconsidering its stance towards Israel.

The writer argued that these family ties provide Imran Khan with a unique outlook, which could make him more open to the idea of changing Pakistan's longstanding position on Israel. Pakistan has historically maintained a firm pro-Palestinian stance, rooted in its identity as an Islamic Republic and its strong commitment to the global Muslim community. Successive Pakistani governments have consistently condemned Israel's actions in the Palestinian territories and have refused to engage in diplomatic relations with the country.

During his time in office, Imran Khan upheld this stance, publicly criticizing Israel’s policies and rejecting the idea of normalization as long as the Palestinian issue remained unresolved. However, according to the blog, there have been informal messages relayed to Israeli officials through the Goldsmith family, signaling a potential shift in the relationship between Pakistan and Israel.

While such a move would undoubtedly face significant challenges in Pakistan's political landscape, the blog suggested that Imran Khan’s leadership could pave the way for a transformation in the nature of Pakistan-Israel relations.