India launches severe anti Pakistan campaign that Islamabad needs to cater for urgently

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2017-10-07T19:05:14+05:00 News Desk

ISLAMABAD - Indian government under PM Narendra Modi has kicked off a dangerous game against Pakistan under the pretext of terrorism in the region. Unfortunately United States under the Nationalist Donald Trump dominated by the US Military establishment seems part of the Indian aspirations.

The latest Rohingya Muslim issue has given India yet another opportunity to further launch its obnoxious propaganda and mount pressure on Pakistan. A brutal crackdown on Myanmar’s Rohingya Muslims has displaced tens of thousands of people, who have fled to Bangladesh.

The tales of extreme tyranny that the refugees have brought has understandably upset both Muslims and non-Muslims across the world. Pakistan has officially protested against the violence in the country.

The UN Security Council has criticised the Myanmar government for condoning the violence against the Rohingya Muslims in its Rakhine State leading to a major world humanitarian crisis. 

Subsequently, India has started following a new line of propaganda alleging Pakistan of supporting the Jihadis of Myanmar, claiming that Pakistan was backing Arakan Rohingya Salvation Army (ARSA), headed by Ammar Junjuni, a Karachi-born Pakistani and trained by intelligence agencies. This is absolute nonsense.

Some other Indian writers, considering it an opportune time, have come up with further bizarre claims that the leader of Jaish-e-Mohammed is also calling for interference in Myanmar.

They have even tried to drag China into the issue. Strange but false narratives are being concocted, putting other militant organizations, which once existedin Pakistan years ago but were eliminated, into the picture.

It seems the Indian intelligence has come up with several separate narratives that are being passed on to Indian analysts who seek to write on the issue.  Not only that, seeing the tone of US president against N-Korea’s nuclear program, India is trying to apply the same tone on Pakistan.

There has also been a sudden increase in debate about the safety and security of Pakistan's nuclear program in the US and Indian think tanks. The boast by the Indian air chief that his forces were capable of hitting nuclear sites across the border if another decision on a surgical strike was taken by the government furthers the agenda.

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