Indian Cotton import to destroy Pakistan’s local industry

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2017-01-07T20:10:05+05:00 News Desk

Speaking at a press conference on Friday, Pakistan Cotton Ginners Association (PCGA) Senior Vice Chairman Suhail Mehmood Haral, Ginners Group Chairman Haji Muhammad Akram and former PCGA chairman Shehzad Ali Khan revealed that more than 2 million bales of cotton were lying unsold in ginning factories, which textile millers were reluctant to purchase.

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Another 700,000 bales are expected next month. They saw no justification for lifting an undeclared ban on cotton import from India at the cost of Pakistan’s farmers, arguing fibre import via land or sea was not in the interest of national economy.

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They underlined the need for continuing the restrictions on cotton imports through the Wagah border crossing and Karachi seaport.

Farmers have also aired concern over the removal of curbs from cotton import from India, which would imperil the domestic industry.

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