Protest demonstrations, rallies held to condemn Indian presidential decree

Protest demonstrations, rallies held to condemn Indian presidential decree

Protests rallies were held across the country in protest against Indian government decision to revoke the constitutional provisions ending the special status given to Occupied Kashmir.

In AJK, protest demonstration and rallies were held throughout the state to condemn and reject the Indian presidential decree that scraped the special status for disputed Kashmir region.

Protest demonstrations held in Muzaffarabad, Neelum, Jhelum Valley, Bagh, Rawalakot and other cities and towns of Azad Kashmir.   

In Mirpur Division, rallies were held in which thousands of people carrying banners and placards with slogans in support of freedom struggle of Kashmir.

Rallies were also taken out in Karachi and in Lahore by various organizations to condemn the Indian act to revoke article 370 and 35 regarding the special status of Occupied Kashmir.

In Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, protest rallies were taken out across the province condemning the Indian move to abolish special status of the occupied Kashmir.

In Peshawar, a protest rally was taken out from government college Chowk. The rally after passing through various routes terminated at Firdous chowk.

Similar rallies were also taken out in Kohat, Karak, Hangu, Kurram district, North and South Waziristan districts, Dera Ismail Khan, Nowshera, Swat, Upper and Lower Dir, Bajaur, Chitral, Hazara division, Abbottabad, Haripur, and other areas.  

The participants chanted slogans against India and in favor of Kashmir people.

In Bahawalpur, rallies were held against Indian atrocities in Indian Held Kashmir to express solidarity with Kashmiris. 

A rally in connection with Kashmir was also taken out in Larkana in solidarity with Kashmiri people.

In Skardu, Anjuman Imamia Baltistan has taken out protest demonstration against scrapping the Article 370 and 35 A regarding the special status of Kashmir by the Indian government.

Addressing the rallies, the speakers demanded the UN to implement its resolutions on Kashmir dispute to bring lasting peace in the region.

The protesters also expressed full solidarity with the government and the valiant  armed forces of Pakistan.

They said all Pakistanis are on one page over the issue of Kashmir, India will be given befitting response in case of any misadventure.

People from different walks of life including social workers, businessmen, students and general public participated in the rallies.

PTI has decided to stage a protest against prevailing situation in occupied Kashmir and India's move to revoke Article 370 in Islamabad on Friday.

 This was decided during a meeting of Party's leadership chaired by the Chief Organizer Saif Ullah Khan Niazi today.

The leadership of the party condemned illegal act of India saying that freedom of Kashmiri people cannot be suppressed this way.

In London, a large number of Kashmiri community members held a protest demonstration against scrapping of Article 370 and urged world nation to take notice of blatant violations of UN resolutions on Kashmir by India.  

 The demonstrators carried banners and placards reading, India implement UN resolutions and vacate Kashmir.

Meanwhile, a group Sound Vision of North America’s pioneering Muslim media organisation has said in a statement that the group is also holding a protest in front of the Indian Embassy in Washington today.

The demonstrations would also be held outside Indian consulates in New York and Chicago.